These new features for WhatsApp are coming soon

WhatsApp developing team is working on some amazing WhatsApp features. In the latest WhatsApp beta, some new features have appeared that will be rolled out for all users in the future.

WhatsApp gets animated stickers:- WhatsApp will be introducing new sticker sets in the coming weeks that will include animated images.

Changes to group call:- After WhatsApp increased the number of video call participants to eight. In the future, it will be possible to tap and hold a conversation partner in video chats to view them in full screen. In addition, group chats with up to eight people get a new icon to start a group call with one click.

QR Codes:- Up to now, adding a WhatsApp contact always involved saving the contact’s phone number. WhatsApp finally introduces QR codes that allow a contact to be quickly scanned.

WhatsApp Web gets a dark mode:- The feature should have already been received by most users by now. WhatsApp Web gets the dark mode that has been available for WhatsApp and iOS and Android for some time.

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