Today i am so excited to tell you guys about a most interesting Topic which can be your Primary Business too. We are talking about Android App Development which is a very unique and Creative Profession. You can actually create your own Application as i am Creating. Let’s see in detail what is Android App Development and How it works

1. What is Android App Development?
The first thing is What is Android App Development. The Android Applications are very much spreaded in all the Android Smartphones and in the Google Play Store. App development means you can create your Own Applications from different Softwares like Thunkable or Android Studio. The Android Studio is the Best software to create Apps as it is Google Certified. After creating an App you can Put it on Google Play Store. This is what called Android App Development.

2. How to Learn Android App Development?
To learn How to create Amazing Applications for Android you just have to learn Coding from Any of your Nearest best Coding Institute with Java Programming or if you want to create your first app very soon and easily you can watch Tutorials on YouTube. You can see many Tutorials online. Also, you need to learn two most Important things to Create a Good Android Application, Coding and Designing. After that you can start making your Applications.
3. Benefits of Android App Development
The first Benefit of Android App Development is you can choose it as your Profession. Yes, you can create your own Applications and earn revenue or you can simply apply for jobs in different Companies. Second Benefit is it is an Independent Course as you no need any kind of Qualification to create your Applications. Third Benefit is if you create your own Applications you can earn Revenue from Google Adsense or other Advertising Platforms.