How Microsoft’s Project ELLORA is helping small languages like Gondi, Mundari become eloquent for the digital world

Hi friends, These days if a Hindi speaker has to search for any content on the Internet, they can type a query in Devnagari script on their phone or just give a voice command of the same. But what about those who communicate in languages which are spoken by just a few hundred thousand people or languages that have limited to no online presence? These are the languages that Microsoft Research is helping with its Project ELLORA (Enabling Low Resource Languages) in India.

“We work on low-resource language with technology, but we take the view that these communities have some idea about their needs and desires because they are marginalised in other ways as well. So we work with them to understand their pain points out and see how technology can help,” Kalika Bali of Microsoft Research told Bali is an expert in Natural Language Processing, where linguistics and artificial intelligence come together to train computers to understand spoken and written languages.
ELLORA’s core aim is to make sure these languages — which have very few written resources, let alone any digital presence at all — are not left behind when it comes to some of the advances that language technology is witnessing these days thanks to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced natural language models. More importantly, a digital presence could help some of these languages survive the threat of extinction.

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