Mobile Number Portability: New MNP rules from today; here’s everything that has changed

The new rules aim towards speeding up the mobile number portability process.
Have you come across situations where you are not pleased with the service offered by your existing telecom operator? Whether you are tired of tariff plans or poor network coverage, you can switch operators using Mobile Number Portability (MNP). It allows you to switch operators while retaining your existing number. While the process used to take up to 7 days, new rules make the porting process smoother. Here is all you need to know

MNP new changes detailed
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has introduced revised rules that go live starting today (December 16). The changes will ensure fast process of switching operators. The overall time for porting has now been reduced to 48 hours. Earlier, it used to be 96 hours.
Under the new Mobile Number Portability rules, a unique porting code (UPC) will be generated for subscribers who request for MNP. However, there will be a validation procedure for generating the UPC. For instance, if the user has a postpaid mobile connection, all ‘outstanding dues’ need to be cleared as per normal billing cycle. Also, the user needs to be with the existing operator for at least 90 days before switching. Lastly, there should not be any ongoing requests for change of ownership of mobile number.
How to port your mobile number to a different operator
To be able to port your mobile number, you need to generate a unique porting code (UPC). For this, you’ll need to send a text message PORT (space) mobile number and send it to 1900. Once the user meets the eligibility criteria, the UPC will be issued within 5 minutes. You will get the code via SMS which will be valid for 4 days in all telecom circles (except Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and North East). In these circles, the code will be valid for 30 days.
How to port your mobile number to a different operator
To be able to port your mobile number, you need to generate a unique porting code (UPC). For this, you’ll need to send a text message PORT (space) mobile number and send it to 1900. Once the user meets the eligibility criteria, the UPC will be issued within 5 minutes. You will get the code via SMS which will be valid for 4 days in all telecom circles (except Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and North East). In these circles, the code will be valid for 30 days.

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