Pubg rival Call of duty will be available from 1 October on Android and IOS

  • Call of Duty Mobile will be available for everyone from October 1. The game will be available on both Android and iOS, and is a rival to PUBG MOBILE.
  • Call of Duty Mobile is coming to Android and iOS on October 1.
  • Call of Duty Mobile also comes with a Battle Royale gameplay mode.
  • The graphics is also where Call of Duty Mobile sees some improvements over its rival PUBG MOBILE.
  • It has been a few months since Call of Duty Mobile came in on Android under the closed beta testing phase and was available only for a short period of time before it was taken off. However, publisher Tencent Games is now going to bring the online multiplayer shooting game very soon to both the Android and iOS platforms. And this time, it will stay forever as it is coming under the stable build.
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In an official post via social media, the Call of Duty Mobile team had announced a few days ago that the stable version of Call of Duty Mobile is coming soon to both Android and iOS platforms. The game will be available for download via the Play Store and App Store, and it should be there for free. The game shares its DNA with PUBG MOBILE, which is also published by Tencent Games.

While in closed beta, we tried out Call of Duty Mobile and despite being similar to PUBG MOBILE, there were a lot of things that’s new for players. The game brings some of the characteristic COD elements from the popular PC titles of the past. And, it also adds its own flair in the mix.

Call of Duty Mobile: What’s new and different compared to PUBG MOBILE
Call of Duty Mobile is in essence quite similar to PUBG MOBILE but it offers the online shooting experience with a classic COD-style twist that we have seen previously in the PC.

–Players will get to experience many multiplayer modes. The game will offer a choice between ranked or unranked matches. Underneath that, you can choose between classic COD-style missions such as Search and Destroy, Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Domination, Hardpoint and Frontline. Some of the most iconic maps from the PC version such as Crash, Crossfire, Hijacked, Standoff, Killhouse and Firing Range are available for players to fight on Similar to PUBG MOBILE, there’s also a battle royale mode in COD Mobile. And as usual, a total of 100 players will jump in an abandoned map together and then fight it out to be last one standing. Players can either be the lone ranger fighting against everyone or they can choose to go out with a group of four.

–While playing in a squad of four in the battle royale mode, every player has to choose a role for the character. You can either be the medic taking care of your teammates as well as heal faster than others. As a mechanic, you get to use the cool weapons such as EMP drones, augmented views and more. You can also play as the Clown with a power to summon zombies for protection against enemies. The Scout will help the player to get an idea about the hostile conditions nearby using Sensor Darts and footprint tracking.

–You also get a huge arsenal of professional-grade weapons that can be upgraded to give you a better chance against the enemies. The weapon upgrade system is similar to what you see on PUBG MOBILE.

–The graphics is also where Call of Duty Mobile sees some improvements over its rival PUBG MOBILE. On a phone with flagship specifications, the game highlights better quality textures and visual effects than PUBG MOBILE. Additionally, the details on the player’s clothes seem very close to what you get from the PC versions.

–The biggest difference between PUBG MOBILE and Call of Duty Mobile is the theme. PUBG MOBILE goes for more survival-themed gameplay whereas Call of Duty Mobile goes for the classic COD-style military theme in all of its gameplay modes

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