Microsoft enhances Excel with text analysis and Forms integration

Hi friends, Microsoft has introduced exciting updates to Excel, focusing on advanced text analysis and the seamless integration of Microsoft Forms. These updates aim to make Excel even more versatile and user-friendly. While many features are available, some are still in beta testing or limited to specific regions. Advanced text analysis with Python integration A key upgrade is … Read more Microsoft enhances Excel with text analysis and Forms integration

How Microsoft’s Project ELLORA is helping small languages like Gondi, Mundari become eloquent for the digital world

Hi friends, These days if a Hindi speaker has to search for any content on the Internet, they can type a query in Devnagari script on their phone or just give a voice command of the same. But what about those who communicate in languages which are spoken by just a few hundred thousand people … Read more How Microsoft’s Project ELLORA is helping small languages like Gondi, Mundari become eloquent for the digital world

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