Telegram is undoubtedly one of the most feature-rich messengers out there, but it lacks one crucial feature that’s available on most alternatives — video calling. The lack of video calling and group video calling support means that Telegram users have to rely on other messengers like WhatsApp and Google Duo to use these features, but that is bound to change soon. Earlier this year, Telegram announced that it will finally add video calling support to the messenger this year. As promised, Telegram is now rolling out version 7.0.0 on the beta channel and it brings video calling support, among other things.
The video calling feature was recently spotted by @alex193a in Telegram v7.0.0 beta for iOS, Android, and macOS. As you can see in the attached screenshot, you can access the video calling feature by tapping the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of any chat and it’s enabled by default on the latest beta release. However, in order to use the feature, you and the other participant need to have Telegram v7.0.0 beta installed on your devices